684 62 60 71
684 62 60 71
--MAR NEGRO-- Grand Road Trip
Des de 760 €

--MAR NEGRO-- Grand Road Trip

Creat: dissabte, 22 de juny del 2024 - Sortida: dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2024
Ref ID: 9867811
preu per persona Des de
760 €
Basat en 2 adults
Creat: dissabte, 22 de juny del 2024 - Sortida: dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2024
Destinacions: Bucarest, Romania , Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgària , Sofia, Bulgària , Plovdiv, Bulgària , Burgas, Bulgària , Varna, Bulgària , Constanta, Romania , Bucarest, Romania

El vostre dia a dia

08 d’oct.
Transport de Madrid a Bucarest
WizzAir WizzAir - W43174
10:05 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
15:00 - Bucharest, Henri Coanda (OTP)
3h 55m Directe Preu: Smart
Transport:  W43174
Classe cabina: Economy
Tarifa: Smart
08 d’oct.
1. Bucarest
Sobre la destinació: Bucarest és una ciutat realment bonica, que presenta una impossible barreja d'estils arquitectònics diferents; es poden veure construccions gòtiques i ortodoxes gregues al costat de monuments estalinistes que veïnen edificis d'apartaments postmoderns de formigó i vidre. A diferència d'altres ciutats, l'estructura dels carrers no és quadrada-paral·lela, sinó més aviat en forma d'estrella, de manera que els carrers es despleguen com raigs d'estrella des de circs rodons, formant així blocs de diferents formes. Durant els anys 50, Bucarest era coneguda com la Petita París a causa de la influència francesa en el paisatge i l'estil de vida de Bucarest. Encara es poden veure rastres d'aquest període en l'arquitectura del centre de la ciutat, en la profusió de cafeteries a l'aire lliure, i fins i tot en l'Arcul de Triumf, una rèplica modesta de l'Arc de Triomphe de París. El centre de Bucarest està format per l'espai entre la Plaça Victoriei, on es troba el Govern romà, i la Plaça Unirii, on comença el gran bulevard que condueix al Palau del Parlament. A prop de la Plaça Unirii també es troba el centre històric de la ciutat, l'antic Palau Principe i carrers icònics com Lipscani, Selari, Covaci, Gabroveni. L'àrea conté avui una barreja d'edificis del segle XIX, ruïnes del tribunal medieval dels prínceps valaques, esglésies, seus de bancs, alguns hotels, clubs, restaurants i botigues. Els carrers estrets de pedra conserven els noms de les antigues gremis que hi residien. L'àrea ha estat en gran part renovada i ara és un lloc de trobada per a la jove generació de la ciutat. La plaça de la Revolució és una plaça doble que alberga l'Ateneu Romà, la Biblioteca Nacional, l'edifici del Senat i l'antic Palau Reial que ara és el Museu d'Art. Hi ha un alt monument al centre de la plaça en memòria dels que van morir durant la revolució. Bucarest és una ciutat de parcs. Passeja pel ben cuidat Jardí Central Cişmigiu o l'enorme Parc Herăstrău. Per als bucurestencs, no són només refugis de la calor estival, sinó punts de trobada per a gran part de la vida social de la ciutat. Pensionistes, joves amants, aficionats al futbol, i experts en el joc de dames i escacs són a tot arreu. Vine a unir-te a la diversió.
08 d’oct.
2 Nits
08 d’oct.
Lloguer de cotxes
Dacia Logan Eco-G
Henri Coanda
Bucharest airport
16:00 - 8 d’oct. 2024
Henri Coanda
Bucharest airport
13:00 - 22 d’oct. 2024
Durada del conductor

Minimum 18, Maximum 99

Fuel Policy

Lleno-lleno. Se entrega el coche lleno y se devuelve lleno. Si no se devuelve lleno, el proveedor le cobrará el combustible más tasas.

General payment terms
Prepago: Al recoger su vehiculo es necesario presentar como garantía una tarjeta de crédito válida, cuyo titular sea el conductor que figura en la reserva. No se aceptan tarjetas de débito o prepago como Maestro, Visa Electron o Visa Premier.
Deposit applicable to this booking
Al recoger el coche se bloqueará un depósito de seguridad en la tarjeta de crédito del conductor. Este depósito lo determina el proveedor teniendo en cuenta la categoría de coche seleccionada. Le informamos de que el valor de un depósito de combustible y las posibles multas de tráfico pueden bloquearse adicionalmente en su tarjeta de crédito. Se recomienda presentar una tarjeta de crédito con chip, código pin y números en relieve.Cantidad estimada del depósito: EUR 2100,00
Theft protection
con franquicia de 2.100 EUR
Collision damage waiver
con franquicia de 2.100 EUR

Bucharest airport - Telephone:

Calea Bucurestilor 236

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59, 00:00 - 23:59
La estación se encuentra en el aeropuerto. Por favor siga las indicaciones hasta llegar a la estación de alquiler de vehículos.

Bucharest airport - Telephone

Calea Bucurestilor 236

Opening hours: 00:00 - 23:59, 00:00 - 23:59
La estación se encuentra en el aeropuerto. Por favor siga las indicaciones hasta llegar a la estación de alquiler de vehículos.
Transport from Bucharest to Veliko Tarnovo
No transport selected
10 d’oct.
2. Veliko Tarnovo
About the destination: Veliko Tarnovo is one of Bulgaria's most affluent tourist towns thanks to its fortress and medieval buildings, which became the capital of the country during the Second Bulgarian Reign of the Czars. The Bulgarian region is located 250 km from Sofia. It was located between 3 hills: Tzarevetz, Trapezitza and Momina Krepost. The most culturally important is the first of which was built the Palace of the King and the Palace of the Patriarch, guarded by the medieval fortress. The medieval capital of Bulgaria had the reputation of a sacred city and center of Christianity. For this reason, in Veliko Tarnovo there are many Romanesque churches like the one of San Demetrio.
Transport from Veliko Tarnovo to Sofia
No transport selected
11 d’oct.
3. Sofia
About the destination: Sofia is a city with a sparkling future; it’s the energetically resilient Bulgarian capital that still revels in its own idiosyncrasies as it forges towards a more cultured and urbane existence. Dramatically ringed by the Balkan Mountains to the north and the Vitosha Mountains to the south, Sofia stands on an open plain 550m above sea level in western Bulgaria. It is this duality between urban sprawl and natural wonder that makes it a fascinating place to visit, with more to arrest the attention than many other Eastern European capitals. Development is rife and roads are mercifully being improved. It boasts boutique hotels galore and the spanking new Metro lines and stations are enough to make Western visitors look on with jealousy. Of course, the Communist influence still pervades in the streets; the country’s relatively short occupation from 1945 to 1989 is still visible in its neo-Stalinist architecture. Despite this, most of Sofia’s major tourist attractions pre-date this era. Buildings like the Aleksander Nevski Cathedral, the Central Sofia Synagogue and the Banya Bashi mosque are stark reminders of the country’s multicultural past, whilst the charming UNESCO-listed Boyana Church in the Vitosha Mountains is an absolute must-visit. Locals strike the balance between Russian insouciance and Mediterranean flare and continue to be proud up-keepers of the country’s hospitable heritage. The Bulgarian language and Cyrillic alphabet still prosper, resisting tourism’s penchant for English internationalism, which is not widely spoken outside of restaurants, shops and hotels.
Transport from Sofia to Plovdiv
No transport selected
13 d’oct.
4. Plovdiv
About the destination: Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria after the capital Sofia. It is the administrative center of Plovdiv Province and the municipalities of the City of Plovdiv, Maritsa municipality, and Rodopi municipality. It is an important economic, transport, cultural, and educational center, as well as the second-largest city in the historical international region of Thrace after Istanbul. The old Plovdiv is compact and walkable, with the main downtown road blocked to car traffic. There is a good collection of Bulgarian revival buildings in use as museums, hotels, and restaurants etc. and is worth a visit if you have chance. The nearby Roman Amphitheater is part of the pedestrian zone, and typically has merchants selling art and other items nearby. Wander the cobblestone streets near the downtown to find the centuries old St. Marina church with a unique wooden tower, a mosque from the Ottoman Empire, and on the nearby hill the old town center. The old town center was walled, and has a famous gateway entrance. In the new center of the city, you will find the Roman stadium which dates back to the late 1st/early 2nd century. When you go to the other end of the predestrian street, next to the Tourist Information Center and the post office, you will see the Roman Odeon and Forum.
13 d’oct.
1 Night
Transport from Plovdiv to Bourgas
No transport selected
14 d’oct.
5. Bourgas
About the destination: Burgas is a city in the east of Bulgaria, the fourth most populous city in the country. Capital of the province of Burgas, the largest in the country, and the municipality of Burgas, is located on the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea and constitutes a tourist and industrial center. Burgas Lakes are located around the city.
Transport from Bourgas to Varna
No transport selected
16 d’oct.
6. Varna
About the destination: "Varna is the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and the third largest city in Bulgaria. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous province and Varna Municipality and the tenth-largest city in the Balkans. It is also the fourth largest city on the Black Sea. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTION • Varna Archaeological Museum. They now compose the Museum exhibition monuments of past epochs from Varna, the Region and Northeast Bulgaria. The museum also manages two open-air archaeological sites, the large Roman baths in the city centre and the medieval grotto of Aladzha Monastery at Golden Sands Nature Park. • Naval Museum one of the symbols of Varna. Situated in the southern part of the sea garden.The most valuable exhibit is the destroyer ""Drazki"" placed there in 1957, known for torpedoing the Turkish cruiser ""Hamidie"" on November 12, 1912 during Balkan war. • Museum of Ethnography The exposition of the Ethnographic Museum is situated in a revival house of so-called ""symmetrical type houses"" built in 1860 and shows the rich diversity in culture and lifestyle of the population of Varna end of the second half of the XIX and early XX century. • Battle of Varna Park Museum ""Varnenchik"" is memorial complex located in a unique park. Located in the western part of Varna at the battlefield place where in the name of liberation of the Balkans. • The Sea Garden is the oldest and perhaps largest park.It is associated with the name of the Czech Anton Novak. There is a long alley of the Bulgarian revival with busts of the most honorable figures of the era. Perfect place for a pleasant walk. It contains also zoo and terrarium. • Varna Aquarium The aquarium's exhibition focuses on the Black Sea's flora and fauna which includes over 140 fish species, but also features freshwater fish, Mediterranean fish, exotic species from faraway areas of the World Ocean, mussels and algae. • Varna Dolphinarium the only dolphinarium on the Balkan Peninsula, one of the most entertaining attractions of city. • Nicolaus Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium."
Transport from Varna to Constanta
No transport selected
18 d’oct.
7. Constanta
About the destination: "Constanța is the oldest still populated city in Romania. The city is located in the Dobruja region of Romania, on the Black Sea coast. It is the capital of Constanța County and the largest city in the region. Constanta is more than just the entry point to the Black Sea coast. It is a place with a long and interesting past, attested by its many Roman vestiges, historic buildings, facades and mosques that color the Old City Centre. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • Ovidiu's Square. Designed by the sculptor Ettore Ferrari in 1887, the statue dedicated to the Roman poet, Ovidius Publius Naso, gives name to this square. • The Roman Mosaics. A vast complex on three levels. Today, only about a third of the original edifice remains, including more than 9,150 sq ft of colorful mosaics. Built toward the end of the 4th century AD and developed over the centuries, it was the city's commercial centre until the 7th century. • The Genoese Lighthouse. Soaring 26 feet, this lighthouse was built in 1860 by the Danubius and Black Sea Company to honor Genoese merchants who established a flourishing sea trade community here in the 13th century. • The Casino. Completed between the two World Wars in art nouveau style according to the plans of the architects, Daniel Renard and Petre Antonescu, the Casino features sumptuous architecture and a wonderful view of the sea. • The House with Lions. Blending pre-Romantic and Genovese architectural styles, this late 19th century building features four columns adorned with imposing sculptured lions. • The Archaeology Park. The park houses columns and fragments of 3rd and 4th century buildings and a 6th century tower. • St. Peter & Paul Orthodox Cathedral. Constructed in Greco-Roman style between 1883 and 1885, the church was severely damaged during WWII and was restored in 1951. The interior murals display a neo-Byzantine style. The Great Mahmudiye Mosque. Built in 1910 by King Carol I, the mosque is the seat of the Mufti, the spiritual leader of the 55,000 Muslims (Turks and Tatars by origin) who live along the coast of the Dobrogea region. The building combines Byzantine and Romanian architectural elements, making it one of the most distinctive mosques in the area. The centerpiece of the interior is a large Persian carpet, a gift from Sultan Abdul Hamid. Woven at the Hereche Handicraft Centre in Turkey, it is one of the largest carpets in Europe, weighing 1,080 pounds. "
Transport from Constanta to Bucharest
No transport selected
20 d’oct.
8. Bucharest
About the destination: Bucharest is a really beautiful city, featuring impossible mixture of different architecture styles; one can see Gothic and Greek Orthodox constructions alongside Stalinist monuments neighbouring post-modern apartment buildings of concrete and glass. Unlike other cities, the street structure is not square-parallel, but rather star-like, so streets go like star beams from round circuses, thus forming blocks of different shapes. During the 50's, Bucharest was known as Little Paris because of the French influence on the landscape and lifestyle of Bucharest. Traces of this period remain in the architecture of the city centre, in the profusion of outdoor cafes, and even in the Arcul de Triumf, a modest replica of Paris’ Arc de Triomphe. Downtown of Bucharest is comprised by the space between the Victoriei Square, where the Romanian Government is and the Unirii Square, where the grand boulevard that leads to the Parliament Palace, starts. Near Unirii Square there is also the old city centre, the Old Princely Court and iconic streets like Lipscani, Selari, Covaci, Gabroveni are situated. The area today contains an assortment of middle 19th century buildings, ruins of the Wallachian princes' medieval court, churches, bank headquarters, a few hotels, clubs, restaurants and shops. Narrow cobblestoned streets retain the names of the ancient guilds that resided on them. The area was mostly renovated and is now a place of gathering for the young generation of the city. Revolution square is a double square that houses the Romanian Athenaeum, the National Library, the Senate building and the old Royal Palace that is now the Museum of Art. There is a tall monument in the centre of the square in memory of those who died during the revolution. Bucharest is a city of parks. Wander through well-groomed central Cişmigiu Garden or huge Herăstrău Park. For the Bucharesters, they’re not just refuges from the summer heat, but focal poits for much of the city’s social life. Elderly pensioners, young lovers, football fans, and backgammon and chess whizzes are everywhere. Come join the fun.
21 d’oct.
Transport from Bucharest to Madrid
WizzAir WizzAir - W43171
16:30 - Bucharest, Henri Coanda (OTP)
19:40 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
4h 10m Nonstop
Transport:  W43171
Cabin Class: Economy
Fare Name: Economy
1 Insurances
Seguro (Mapfre-Seguro Inclusion) - Región (Solo continente) - Días (15)
price per person From
760 €
Based on 2 adults
This idea includes
Destinations 8
Transports 2
Accommodations 8
Cars 1
Insurances 1